Most Popular Questions

At Pala Capital 88, we aim to empower borrowers by providing them with the necessary capital to reach their objectives. We uphold this mission through a dedication to transparency and delivering exceptional customer service.

  • It is based on the property and exit strategy. For most transactions, we will lend up to 80% of the purchase price, 100% of the Rehaba, or 65%-70% of the ARV, whichever is less.

  • Yes! Contact us for more details. If you provide more than one property as security (as described above in regard to cross-collateral), we can provide 100% financing. If you don’t have a free and clear property, find a partner that does! Sharing half of a nice profit beats not being able to do a deal! Many investors also use seller-carryback to get 100% financing. We recommend finding deals and purchasing property below appraised value as the best way to secure 100% financing.

  • Yes, for the right deals. If the numbers work and we think the deal will be profitable, we will loan on the After Repair Value (ARV). We recommend you have solid experience doing or managing such repair work> You will need to supply licensed contractor bids as well as meet certain other requirements. Bring us the deal, and let us discuss it.

  • Our loans are asset-based and our decisions are logic-based. That means we base our decisions about funding and rates on the perceived risk associated with the property. If you have a property under contract, submit it. Our rates are competitive in the private money market but we save our best rates for our best clients. Get started today to become one of those repeat, best clients! Get a property under contract and submit it!

  • The credit score is one of the factors that determine the interest rate for the loan. But we can fund borrowers with lower credit scores.

  • The property can close in 10-15 days. The faster the borrower submits the required documentation, the faster the appraisal can be ordered.

  • Rates are determined by the going rates for your market: location and property type. This could vary between $300 and $600. The appraisal price also depends on the property's location.

  • At Pala Capital 88, we provide a range of funding solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of real estate investors and business owners. Our offerings include 100% real estate investor funding, business funding, transactional funding, double-closing funding, and more. We strive to ensure you have access to the capital necessary to achieve your financial goals

  • Building and improving business credit is crucial for long-term financial success. We offer expert guidance and strategies to help you establish and strengthen your business credit profile. Our team can assist you in navigating the steps required to enhance your creditworthiness and access better financing opportunities.

  • Proof of funds is a document or statement that verifies your ability to cover the purchase or investment cost in a real estate transaction. It's essential to demonstrate your financial capacity to sellers and stakeholders. Pala Capital 88 provides a reliable proof of funds service to bolster your credibility and enhance your position in property negotiations.

Pala Capital 88 Provides Private Money

To investors looking for funding for non-owner-occupied residential and commercial investment deals. 

sara@palacapital88.com 323 447-1370

All Pala Capital Funding operates on an asset-based model

In contrast to the conventional standards employed by banks and other institutions. This means that even if you don't meet the rigorous requirements of banks and other traditional lenders, you can still confidently and swiftly pursue real estate deals.